
osu! person / GFX/VFX Hobbyist / Deadge

About Me

Hello! I'm TheFunk, osu!mania Mapper mostly appearing in several mania tournament scenes. I am also an aspiring Graphic Designer and Video Creator (still have lots of room for improvement...).

Commissions status can be found on my Discord's About Me. However, if you're unable to view it, just drop a DM on any of my socials (not osu!) and I'll respond to it.


These are some of the works I did for osu!, or for personal practices

Original Backgrounds/Jackets

Custom-made background/Jacket for Original Songs

osu! Tournament Designs

osu! tournaments with designs that I solely worked on

Backgrounds edits

General background edits for anything

Custom BGAs

Songs with motion graphics or video effects (VFX)

Personal Videos

VFX made for fun or just for practice


These are works from personal interests/projects


Commissions status can be found on my Discord's About Me.
However, if you're unable to view it, just drop a DM on any of my socials (not osu!) and I'll respond to it.


Here are some of the works that I can do

  • Graphics Design (GFX)
    Custom Assets/Custom Graphics/etc.

  • Video Effects (VFX)
    2D/3D Motion Graphics/Social Media/Music Video Visuals/etc.

  • General Background edits
    YouTube Thumbnails/osu! Backgrounds/etc.

Terms & Conditions

  • Prices are varied depending on the estimated time to create and the effort on the commission.

  • When a concept is finalized, 20% of the agreed commission is to be paid before working on the final product to prevent refusal to pay.

  • By requesting a commission to me, you will have the understanding that I have the right to reject a request/drop a request for any of these reasons

  • Timeframe is too short

  • No guarantee of completion

  • Harassment towards me or anyone related

  • Commission is not in my current scope

  • If you're not sure about the terms & conditions, confused about my commissions scope, or have any other queries, please feel free to DM me on Twitter or Discord so that we can discuss further :)


  • Twitter (X): @TheActuallyFunk

  • Discord: theactualfunk


Can be discussed within DMs